Professor, responsible for the programme Digital Creator North.
︎︎ Canada


Katie Huckson is an interdisciplinary artist and art educator.
She works prevalently on topics such as memory, identity, and control. Huckson is particularly interested in eating disorders and embodiment, inspired by her own experience and examined through a social-anthropological point-of-view.

The connection between her artistic work and food can be seen in the social and cultural expectations for women, particularly concerning their relationship with food and body image.

For Occupy the kitchen! she has conceived a performance entitled “Meal Prep”.


Docente, responsabile del programma Digital Creator North.
︎︎ Canada


Artista interdisciplinare ed educatrice artistica.
Lavora prevalentemente sui temi della memoria, dell’identità, della perdita e del controllo. Huckson è particolarmente interessata ai disturbi del comportamento alimentare (DCA), alla dimensione socio-antropologica del fenomeno e al relativo trattamento clinico.

La connessione tra la sua pratica artistica ed il cibo si individua nelle aspettative sociali e culturali delle donne, in particolare per quanto riguarda il loro rapporto con il cibo e l'immagine del corpo.

Per Occupy the kitchen! ha ideato una performance dal titolo “Meal Prep”.
